Month: April 2011

  • >Assume = ASS + U & ME

    >Assume = ASS + U & ME

    How often do you feel that your partner doesn’t know you, or that you are talking at rather than with each other? These symptoms often indicate  a relationship parasite known as assumption. We interpret the world according to our own experience; but being in a healthy relationship means getting out of your own head and…

  • >It’s not about what you think it’s about…

    >It’s not about what you think it’s about…

    If something bothers you, like it really reeeeeally grates on your nerves, more than twice, there is a law of nature that applies. It’s called the 90/10 rule, and I learned it from the relationship masterminds Hedy and Yumi. Yes, about 10% of what pisses you off is actually what’s in front of you. Yes,…

  • >You gotta take a break…

    >You gotta take a break…

    What’s a Tuesday without a little self- disclosure?!??! Toward the end my internship at a domestic violence shelter in Boston, my supervisor, we’ll call her Elaine, noticed that I had not taken a vacation since September, eight months prior. “Nope,” I answered proudly, “I’m all good, though, don’t worry about me…”, which was cleeeearly the…

  • >Getting good at heartbreak

    >Getting good at heartbreak

    Here’s the hard truth – there is no love that won’t leave you heartbroken and wanting for more, at times*; so why not get good at it? Heartbreaks come in all shapes and sizes, like having your partner fall short of your expectations; or standing by helplessly as your grown (or growing) child rejects your…