Category: Vicious Cycles

  • >I didn’t know it would FEEL like this…

    Jennifer* liked the idea of being a traditional stay-at-home-mom, and John* made good money, but worked long hours, so they started a family almost as soon as they married, nine years ago. At first, everything was great, and two more kids followed quickly after the first. The youngest just started first grade, and Jennifer has…

  • >If you don’t know, then I’m certainly not going to tell you…

    >If you don’t know, then I’m certainly not going to tell you…

    Okay, wait… HOW am I supposed to know this about you, if you don’t tell me? I hear this a lot from women and men who find their intended partner, and expect to  be living immediately in a Titanic – type love affair. Trust me, Leo and Kate would have had some serious arguing ahead…

  • >We both need to be right!

    >We both need to be right!

    There is a sister version of this, which is known as, “If you’re right, then I must be wrong.” And the extended version, “I am always right.” The pattern in this relationship generally consists of both partners insisting that their viewpoint is the “right” one, and should be adhered to/followed. Words like ‘stubborn’ and ‘bull-headed’…

  • >I wouldn’t nag if you would just listen to me!

    >I wouldn’t nag if you would just listen to me!

    Enough with Charlie Sheen. Frankly, if he weren’t getting so much negative attention, he might have a second to breathe and consider whether his actions are actually helpful to him or not. How often do YOU consider the helpfulness of YOUR actions? Are you, like so many of us, stuck in a relationship pattern that…