Category: Selfish Self-care

  • >Just tell me…am I Needy?!

    “Tell me you like spending time with me,” she says, looking over her shoulder; something in her expression says she knows, but still really needs to hear it*. And of course she does; we all do. What’s happening in our lives directly affects how we feel about each other, and ourselves. As social creatures, we…

  • >Find your (im)Perfect Zen…

    >Find your (im)Perfect Zen…

    Of course you are insane… ly busy. Life can feel like 24/7 struggle to get 42 things done in the next 5 minutes; it’s incredibly hard to turn off. Last week, I actually stuck my head in the freezer in an effort to stop my brain from spinning. (It doesn’t work, by the way.) Many of us are living in crisis…

  • >”I don’t know what to talk about today…”

    Whenever someone flops down on my couch and utters these words, I know it’s going to be a good one. Because it means that all the “stuff” is either quiet or manageable, and we’ll have more time to develop new understanding of yourself, and/or your partner, and to build new ‘muscle memory’ for how to…

  • >Live without Regret…

    We have all known the big “R”, and we know that it doesn’t feel good. As we review the past year, and look to 2012 as the year of new beginnings, this is a natural time to take stock. Here are some words of wisdom (is ‘warning’ a better word?!) from those who have lived…

  • >Digging through crap that doesn’t work…

    >Digging through crap that doesn’t work…

    It’s like going through your closet and deciding what to keep or toss. Bad habits and dysfunctional behavior are like the skinny jeans that you just have a really hard time getting rid of, even though they clearly do not fit. So interesting, that we can know for a fact that something we do really…

  • >Get schooled like Tyra Banks!

    >Get schooled like Tyra Banks!

    Wait, what?! It’s true, Tyra Banks is now a student at Harvard Business school! As in: Tyra Banks… at Harvard… Legally Blonde references aside, I’m watching the story on CNN, and thinking, ‘…Isn’t Tyra a pretty successful businesswoman anyway?!’ This leapt right into the idea* that just because you have a mostly-successful relationship, doesn’t mean…

  • >You gotta take a break…

    >You gotta take a break…

    What’s a Tuesday without a little self- disclosure?!??! Toward the end my internship at a domestic violence shelter in Boston, my supervisor, we’ll call her Elaine, noticed that I had not taken a vacation since September, eight months prior. “Nope,” I answered proudly, “I’m all good, though, don’t worry about me…”, which was cleeeearly the…