Category: Relationships

  • > You married the Wrong Person.

      You totally married the wrong person. We all did… … and here’s why.   We are social animals; so if you are human and have a heartbeat, you are will absolutely live through many versions of yourself based on your experiences shaping you over the course of a marriage. The person you are and…

  • >Strapped In

    >Strapped In

    Balancing both feet on a thin wire strung high up between two trees, even my pinkie fingers are shaking. I’ve gotten almost to the middle without looking down.. . But when I see how far I could fall, I see only certain death coming if I continue. I feel only the fear. I freeze. Static…

  • >Why VDay is Hilarious…

    >Why VDay is Hilarious…

    Okay, it is not that I hate V-Day; I do take issue with a culturally integrated event in which folks are encouraged to save up all of their appreciation of each other for one day of ‘sorry I’ve been such a d-bag the other 364′. And apparently there’s not enough alcohol, sugar and flowers to…

  • >Play.


    When was the last time you played? I mean… Just let your body GO? It’s Sunday night, way past bedtime, and my daughter has come out of bed for the third time. We’ve had a fantastic weekend, and I think she just doesn’t want it to end. I know the feeling. She has that smile…

  • > Why your wife looks like a Sabre-Tooth Tiger

    > Why your wife looks like a Sabre-Tooth Tiger

    Q: “Sometimes I feel SO ready to talk to my wife but one look from her, and I shut down. I really want to tell her, but I just can’t…” –”Don” A: Don, you’re perfectly describing the desire to be known, at the same moment you’re terrified to be ‘found out’. Which makes you human.…

  • >Simple. But not Easy.

    >Simple. But not Easy.

    Maybe you know that I spin. What you may not know is that spinning has carried me through some really tough stuff. At times, I’ve felt safest when I was alone on the bike; and all that mattered was how my legs powered up and my body surged forward – looking for the next race.…

  • >Tears. Good ones. Laughing Tears.

    >Tears. Good ones. Laughing Tears.

    Top 10 Crazy Things said when up late with Kids… (click link) Though years go by in a heartbeat, some of these nights Will. Not. End.

  • >How to Suceed at Marriage Therapy (?)

    >How to Suceed at Marriage Therapy (?)

    The research says that by the time most couples get into therapy, it’s about six years later than they should have come; and there are all kinds of reasons for that. Bygones. Once you get on that path, though – once you are ready to make that call, what should you consider? How should you…

  • >Comfort in the crazy…

    >Comfort in the crazy…

    As a child, who held you when you cried? Did it feel safe, comforting? Or was there something missing? I believe that most parents are doing the best they can, with the resources they have. That said, it’s fairly common for folks to report that as kids, they weren’t held in a way that felt…

  • >Loving like cats and dogs…

    >Loving like cats and dogs…

    He loves her like a dog – he jumps on her when she gets home, and will not. let. go. until a sufficient amount of head-patting/scruff rubbing has commenced. If she’s too tired, he nips at her or barks sharply, demanding attention, until she snaps back or ultimately closes the door on him. She is…