Author: maggie

  • >How Sandy could save us

    >How Sandy could save us

    We all come together in a disaster – the nightmare we are living strips us of our defenses and forces us to face our shared humanity. In speaking that common language of humanity, we show how much we need each other – this is vulnerability, which we normally spend most of our time trying to…

  • >Loving like cats and dogs…

    >Loving like cats and dogs…

    He loves her like a dog – he jumps on her when she gets home, and will not. let. go. until a sufficient amount of head-patting/scruff rubbing has commenced. If she’s too tired, he nips at her or barks sharply, demanding attention, until she snaps back or ultimately closes the door on him. She is…

  • >Bob Dylan at spin class

    >Bob Dylan at spin class

    I’ve heard Bob Dylan talk about ‘giving away a little piece of himself’ every time he releases music; giving us the sense that despite being globally accepted and even idealized, there are still places inside himself that feel risky to share. There are still (presumably) guarded paths that go directly to his heart; he ‘hurts…

  • >Daring Greatly

    It’s taken a loooooong time to realize that being nice won’t make everyone like me, or that giving the ‘better’ gift doesn’t make me the better friend. Though I was often praised for my perfection, I was actually trying to protect myself from… whatever. Now, I know that I can’t protect myself from being hurt,…

  • >A moment of …

    >A moment of …

    We as a country search for meaning in the tragedy – imaginary lines are erased and we join in the pain of the families who lost their loved ones… and the inevitable torment of the survivors and their loved ones in the days to come. In a moment, they were gone. If you knew you…

  • > Cheating in Yoga Pants…

    > Cheating in Yoga Pants…

    At the 2012 EFT Summit this past weekend, I’m listening to a presentation of cutting-edge research on why people ‘cheat’ on their partner, and all I can think is, ‘Where do they find the time?!’  As the full-time working mom, I get home too tired to answer the phone most nights; I have my hands…

  • >Springsteen DEFINITELY doesn’t suck…

    What we surround ourselves with (i.e. images, music, media, living environment) really does affect how we view ourselves and others. So when this video popped up in my email, I knew I had to share it with you. If this was what everyone had at the top of their playlist, and running through their heads…

  • >More hits for Chris Christie…

    Apparently, we can treat each other like crap as long as we’re all wearing our grown-up undies. As Chris Christie gets big press for calling a journalist an “idiot” and “stupid”, four 7th-graders were suspended from school for similar behavior. How do you (rightfully) punish the 7th-graders for bullying, when that the big guy with…

  • >Have better sex than ‘Top Gun’…

    >Have better sex than ‘Top Gun’…

    When I think of sex scenes, the first to pop into my mind is from ‘Top Gun’; with white curtains billowing in the breeze, an 80’s love ballad playing… you know the one. Yes, you do; stop lying. Even though Maverick and Charlie barely know each other, they seem to just… know exactly where… and…

  • >Can we fall back in love?

    Remember when you first met your partner and suddenly started blowing off friends, calling in sick to work – generally falling off the radar? Remember???  By the time you realized how insufferable they could be, you already needed them; badly. You may have already been committed; engaged or married, when you stood in your newly-leased…