Author: maggie

  • >The biggest mistakes…

    >The biggest mistakes…

    The marriage proposal from last week’s post got a great response from everyone who saw it. With all due respect to the groom’s amazing effort, if the people featured are even half as supportive as they seem, the bride and groom will always have others to share in their joy, and help them carry the…

  • >I think I wanna marry you…

    Wanna smile? HARD?! Wanna cry – maybe, a little? Watch this. I cried when you first actually SEE the future groom – totally worth waiting for!

  • >Divorce Protection…

    >Divorce Protection…

    You didn’t know what you were getting into – I mean, how would you have even known that you should talk about it, until you’d gone three rounds of progressively louder shrieking with your new spouse over where you were going to spend Thanksgiving?! (…obviously it’s at Nonna’s house – it’s always at Nonna’s house!!!)…

  • >…Bittersweet Symphony

    >…Bittersweet Symphony

    Something that occasionally enters my head as a client is speaking is the line from a song: “I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah…*” The thing that makes our pain so much more unbearable is the sense that we are alone with it. Very few of us are actually…

  • >Just tell me…am I Needy?!

    “Tell me you like spending time with me,” she says, looking over her shoulder; something in her expression says she knows, but still really needs to hear it*. And of course she does; we all do. What’s happening in our lives directly affects how we feel about each other, and ourselves. As social creatures, we…

  • >The Other ‘Morning After’

    >The Other ‘Morning After’

    You got married (hopefully) because you took time to learn about each other and found something special there. Did you really expect to wake up as the same people every day forever?! The problem is that no one talks about what it’s really like to be married; no one talks about what happens the morning…

  • >”Marriage is a f***ing Marathon…”*

    >”Marriage is a f***ing Marathon…”*

    My husband used to do triathlons; he would swim, then bike, then run, as I quietly analyzed what sort of mental disorder would make him actually want to do all of that. It wasn’t the actual competition, but the preparation that most intrigued me. As much as physical training, you had to have a plan – How will I…

  • >Find your (im)Perfect Zen…

    >Find your (im)Perfect Zen…

    Of course you are insane… ly busy. Life can feel like 24/7 struggle to get 42 things done in the next 5 minutes; it’s incredibly hard to turn off. Last week, I actually stuck my head in the freezer in an effort to stop my brain from spinning. (It doesn’t work, by the way.) Many of us are living in crisis…

  • >”I don’t know what to talk about today…”

    Whenever someone flops down on my couch and utters these words, I know it’s going to be a good one. Because it means that all the “stuff” is either quiet or manageable, and we’ll have more time to develop new understanding of yourself, and/or your partner, and to build new ‘muscle memory’ for how to…

  • >Therapy at the ‘Jersey Shore’…

    >Therapy at the ‘Jersey Shore’…

    As a therapist, I’m good – but as a person, I’m screwed. I can’t just relax and watch an episode of ‘Jersey Shore…  I’m watching the DVR’ed first episodes, (you know my obsession with reality TV) and I’m finally making sense of Ronnie and Sam! I watch them meet for the first time, and quickly…